hard work, drive, &
humble beginnings.
Not adverse to hard work, Clint Bulkley was only 19 years old when
he bought his first truck. With the help of some friends, he learned
how to drive and began to learn the business of trucking. Although
it was not an easy road, his determination to provide for his young
family kept him rolling.
hard work, drive &
humble beginnings.

Not adverse to hard work, Clint Bulkley was only 19 years old when he bought his first truck. With the help of some friends, he learned how to drive and began to learn the business of trucking. Although it was not an easy road, his determination to provide for his young family kept him rolling.

God began to bless the Bulkleys’ hard work. The trucks began to multiply, and the business outgrew the kitchen table and office space was rented.
In 1987 Bulkley Trucking was incorporated and since then has become a premium refrigerated carrier. Today, Bulkley Trucking is in the top 4% of trucking companies in the U. S. and boasts top of the industry CSA scores in all 7 BASICS.
Bulkley Trucking has not moved far from its roots. Providing quality jobs for those who have chosen to be a professional driver as a career path and offering exceptional customer service continues to be the driving forces of Bulkley Trucking.

God began to bless the Bulkleys’ hard work. The trucks
began to multiply, and the business outgrew the kitchen
table and office space was rented.
In 1987 Bulkley Trucking was incorporated and since then
has become a premium refrigerated carrier. Today, Bulkley
Trucking is in the top 4% of trucking companies in the U. S.
and boasts top of the industry CSA scores in all 7 BASICS.
Bulkley Trucking has not moved far from its roots. Providing
quality jobs for those who have chosen to be a professional
driver as a career path and offering exceptional customer
service continues to be the driving forces of Bulkley Trucking.

Bulkley Trucking is located near Sulphur
Springs, Texas, which has some of the best
schools, beautiful landscapes, and good land
and home prices in East Texas.
We are strategically located east of Dallas on
I-30 near Sulphur Springs, Texas. A great place
to live with traditional values, it is a peaceful
place to call home.